mel editor (ide)

this is on-going debate. so i'll add as i learn. it frustrates but hoping that some day, maya has simple decent script editor like max has.....

update 2008
searched a lot about IDE’s and found that actually commercial products are best like MEL STUDIO PRO and MAXYA. so many other opensource IDE’s and syntax hilighting files are available on highend3d but none ever worked for me the way it should be. for simple scripter like me, having funtions list available is huge stuff and if somehow i am not able to send commands to maya from external editor then it is useless. even some free ide’s complained that they do (jedit) but it never worked for me.
lastly in terms of free IDE’s i tried a lot and get closer to eclipse and jedit. both then needs to add bla bla plugins and setup that it gives me nothing but frustration rather then automating task and get the job done.
update 2009
i had puchased "maxya" and trust me if u r on windows, it is best possible thing u can have. later on i moved to linux. for some time, i had used CUTTER. pretty good. really amazing. java based script editor by genius guy "". its amazing for mel.
then i used mapy and scite for some time. its also equally good (except it supports python as well)
lastly i moved to eclipse and there is a plugin on creative crash. it also supports pymel etc and becomes as good as maxya on windows...

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